This question comes up a lot, first and foremost we want you to know that a Beachbody coach is just a normal person. The title "coach" can be a little confusing because no one is required to be a certified trainer or nutrition expert, however some wellness professionals join our coach network to expand their services. But that isn't true for the majority, most of our coaches are people who simply care about health and fitness, who want to inspire others, or who like the accountability it gives them to reach their own goals. Our team is made up of moms, dads, grandparents, teachers, doctors, lawyers, entertainers, etc where some work part time and others full time. What makes a great coach is someone who has the desire to help others. After all, Beachbody's motto is "Helping People Achieve Their Goals to Lead Healthy Fulfilling Lives.”

As a coach you don't need to worry about "training" someone in terms of proper form, or come up with perfect meal plans that meet a customers dietary needs. Beachbody along with their team of trainers like Tony Horton and Autumn Calabrese have put together great workouts that provide all of the step-by-step instructions needed to do each exercise and a proper nutrition guide with suggested snacks and meals to get great results. This makes our job a lot easier and allows us to focus on supporting our customers and guiding them in selecting a product that best fits their lifestyle, goals, and current fitness level. 

Beachbody has been around for awhile and as a coach you'll realize that most people have either seen our programs on TV or know someone who's done one of our workouts. Our job as a coach is to invite them to join us when they’re ready and want to make a change in their lives. Some people may already have a fitness plan they enjoy, but struggle with their diet, while others eat well, but want to get stronger. Either way our goal isn’t to sell them or make promises they aren’t prepared to keep - our goal is to become a trusted advisor and encourager.

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As a way to support our customers, we host monthly accountability groups on our convenient Beachbody app where members can check in daily, log their workout, update their progress and connect with other like-minded people. We have a system setup so that a new coach doesn't need to host a group on their own, our team works together to run it so all you need to do is invite people in a way that's comfortable. It's a fun way to keep you and your customers accountable. 

So, who are your customers? Customers can be anyone - friends, coworkers, roommates, family, neighbors, or acquaintances from Facebook/Instagram/Snapchat, etc. The key to coaching is having a personal desire to live well along with a mindset that it’s rewarding to help people. That translates into an entrepreneurial opportunity to build a business doing something you are excited to wake up to every day. In your own time and at a pace that works for you.